By Sean Mize
One of the easiest ways to make your articles more readable is to write them with the same language and tone of voice you would use if you were chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee. Your articles should not read like legal briefs or treatises; instead they should be very easy to read and should flow comfortably.
There is no reason online to try to use a huge vocabulary or long sentences. In fact, the opposite is true. The computer screen is hard enough to read on its own, there is no good reason to use a big vocabulary or long, hard-to-decipher sentences.
I like to think that I am explaining a concept or idea to a friend of mine over a glass of iced tea in a rocking chair on my back porch, watching the sun go down in the evening. How is that for a picture? Give yourself that kind of feel when you are writing, and your articles should become much more natural and easy to read.
Also, when you are writing – just write, don’t edit as you go. Write down what comes naturally to your mind, without regard for how it sounds, and then you can edit it later. Generally if you write naturally, as you think the thoughts, they will tend to be more comfortable and easy to read.
So there you have it - now go out and write articles that are ultra-readable! It will be well worth the effort!
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.
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