1) Eliminate hyperbole - people want concise information not an artistic story
2) Start every paragraph with a different word to enhance sentence creativity
3) Use popular keyword and key phrases for your target market in your article
4) Edit unnecessary prepositions and phrases to make sentences more powerful
5) Sparingly add adjectives to make your words more colorful and descriptive
6) Try to stay neutral and don't get your emotions involved in your article
7) Write your article and sleep on it and edit it the next day with a fresh view
8) Make your article title longer and more enticing to gather more readers
9) Tell your reader something new they haven't heard before in a different way
10) Proof and read every article aloud to improve readability and create flow
11) Continue your research to jam pack important information into every article
12) Be in the habit of having both a Dictionary and Thesaurus handy for reference
13) Use plain ole easy to understand words so your reader doesn't get cross-eyed
14) The word "that" refers to things and the word "which" refers to people
15) Insert words that you have trouble spelling to increase your writing ability
About the Author
Dale Adams of Majestic Publishers is the author and self publisher of the new book, "Care Giving Made Easy - How to be an Awesome Caregiver" and the soon to be released, "How to Make Your Home Sell - Even In A Slow Market" His many experiences include being a Security Consultant, General Contractor and Energy Conservation Specialist. To learn more valuable information visit: http://www.majesticpublishers.com
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